Tuesday, October 7, 2008

from Google Imagesflickrsoup.blogspot.com/2005_12_01_archive.html
Thank you Web 2.0 team for the excellent coordination of this long but fun-filled journey.

An increasingly expansive sea of visual and written flotsam and jetsam has been revealed. This sea does contain treasures but they are rare. Well constructed blog sites with good content and excellent presentation can be very interesting.

Many sites appear cumbersome and capricious especially as the most recent post always dominates and the rest retire to older uninteresting? posts. RSS feeds exciting at first became a burden in their excess. Loved fiddling around with images, saw good educational uses of wikis, pondered over copyright and disinformation. had a great time and saw many uses for libraries especially in the local history area.

Good design, purposeful and insightful content, maintenance of quality, all take time and effort. The quirkiness and whimsical nature of most sites have a 'here today- gone tomorrow' feel. Who owns the software? Will it always be free for all?

Social Networking and libraries

Most of the Libraries visited were American and invited social comment from teenagers. http://www.myspace.com/brooklyncollegelibrary The music on home pages was a nice added-dimension. Most invited comments but few comments were made.
Rss feeds for the latest books were a good idea.

There is a lot of social networking discussion from librarians. For example Libraries in Social Networking Software
By Meredith Farkas May 10, 2006

commented on Facebook's “Pulse”, where the top 10 movies, books, tv shows, etc…can be listed on your library page.
The new advertisement option in Facebook also offered funding possibilities.

Library would have to in my opinion offer excellent sites with meaningful and interesting content. ( so many are difficult to navigate and appear disorganised). This would involve staff time and how many users are there? (Who has this much time?)

Use of social networking for gathering Local History is exciting
http://www.aadl.org/taxonomy/term/302 Local history blog

Five towns local history http://ftlh.blogspot.com/

http://localnotes.wordpress.com/ the great weblog of Leichhardt Council’s Local History team who are based at Leichhardt Library in Sydney’s Inner-West.

Here I can see many possibilities. Comment from the community which establishes, verifies and presents new local history is worthwhile.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Rotorua Library's sparkling slideshows were great. If I were young I'd like looking at them. Found other Library sites to be full of stuff but with little comment which means little interaction. Having popular content invites more interaction.
I have left a message on Facebook and found it useful if you want to contact someone in a foreign country urgently and do not know their email.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Black Tulip by Alexandre Dumas was so easy to find.
Could be read - page by page
just didn't get that feeling you get when you handle a book

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The museum detective, Dr Joanna Cobley ' finds stories from behind the scenes of the museum world. Shows how diverse museums and their collections are.

This site won the Best spoken programme access in the 2008 Radio New Zealand Awards. The detective's clues keep appearing on my blogline - interesting.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Way back in July on 'A little collected sound' an audio of the 'first recorded sound' could be heard from a BBC webpage.

Here it is again from Youtube and the sound seems to have improved.
(A big thank you to Miss Frazzled)

was found
she states
"I Wish was inspired as I considered the balance between work and play in our lives. I wonder if we have become a nation of people who are slaves to the very technology that was meant to ease workloads rather than increase responsibilities and prolong work hours.
Visualcomplexity can create visual simplicity out of the complex:
subway maps for New York, an accurate computer model of the brain, clever music -

Being able to place lots of applications on one page was great.
I copied the image to my files but was unable to upload to
this blog - Had to scan it.

Thursday, September 18, 2008



Would prefer to use Matapihi if I wanted to search through many databases to find images of New Zealand. Rollyo did not search databases. All the extra sites on the screen were annoying and difficult to delete..

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Although Library thing is a wonderful marketing tool for Amazon (free reviews, advertising). The idea of having a virtual library appeals. This tiny selection has authors only - clicking on the author gives a portrait and a summary of their work.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008


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--One of my favourite paintings by someone special - Nelson

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wikipedia is knowledgeable and useful even though it is randomly edited, not considered authoritative and unable to be cited for essays. The articles seem to have developed structure in recent years that allows for easy reference.

Wikis . Some were very well organised for example

Some Wikis found have been abandoned and need adoption. So the success of a wiki depends on nurturing, enthusiasm and participants and lots of spare moments in time.
However an overdose of virtuality was not providing a collected sound for me. And with relief I am stepping back into reality.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Web 2.0

The social nature of Web 2.0 is suited to public libraries. The interaction and participation it extends to both users and librarians creates an easy sharing of ideas, thoughts and knowledge.
The light side
To give one example in a Public Library:
The knowledge of Local History that sits buried in a community can surface more easily. For example, previously unidentified photographs can be identified or have comments placed beside them, new photographs and stories of the local area can be easily added from anywhere in the world. Displaying as a Mash up (see previous post) would be fun.
Sharing with local groups with the same interest such as Historical Societies, Museums in a transparent,visual and virtual must present a more encompassed local history. However will it be preserved for generations to come? The dark side
Is this a vulnerable way to collect information you want to preserve? The internet is based on having an energy supply, fast telecommunication, tools are supplied by very large, privately- owned companies who desire capital gain. Will this divide people, and if unplugged - how do we find what we are looking for?

An interesting short story ' The Sorcerers' by Primo Levi - two academics cannot recreate technology when most needed.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Found this searching tool very messy - lots of advertising.
Searching 'Learning 2.0"
Directory 2653, Posts 907, Blogs 342

Two finds :
Room Three @ Takapuna Primary
Room Three has very animated photographs!

group of post graduate History students get together to find 'orphaned ideas and hidden works'
- well written and interesting.

I revisited technorati after listening to Nicholas Carr (author of 'Is google making us stupid"http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200807/google) found lots about him but only found his blog by searching google

Monday, August 18, 2008

A headnote for a footnote found on
http://www.footnote.com/ a fascinating American history site especially for original documents. Found on


Just a taste of the light and the dark of libraries .
Loads of libraries! found National Library and Albany Library.
Useful for compiling reference material, websites, images, local history.......... but who accesses all this stuff?
http://www.tbpl.ca/internal.asp?id=283&cid=333 is the website of the Thunder Bay Public Library, Canada .
It supports del.icio.us and has a helpful video http://www.commoncraft.com/bookmarking-plain-english which in a simple way demonstrates how you would use Del.icio.us [a round of applause (clap, clap) for Thunder Bay]
Social bookmarking is a way of having your favourite internet links from any computer.

Saturday, August 16, 2008



a LARGE of people especially librarians are out there.

Is this a case of POPULAR versus significant .

subject headings/keywords are unprejudiced compared to tags.

Responding to such visual stimuli could make us fodder for aliens. (see comment 12Aug - You Tube Voyager)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A picture of an RSS (from Google Images - www.thorlabs.com/images/rss.png) . Classical music, a day in history, h2g2, are now available daily. What more could I want? - just 'absorption time' I guess - so looked up 'time' and find Time magazine photo essays -better have those as well.

Usefulness? -having audio news reads for the sight impaired - this sort of technology can help improve daily life.

For library stuff: Already subscribe to Library Link of the Dayhttps://mail.shorelibraries.govt.nz/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.tk421.net/librarylink/ (archive, rss, subscribe options) this is enough. I found it easier to type (RSS and subject ) into google or go directly to a particular website to obtain link than trolling through the myriad of material on Bloglines, Topix, Syndic8 or Technorati.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

This video on YouTube (placed by 3ertin) describes the Voyager Golden Record. Nasar made a golden gramophone record with sound and images of what the culture and life on earth was like in 1977 and sent it out in space. The record demonstrates the earth's music and language and this video clip describes the venture. I wonder if aliens will like it? If it gets there in time - it might take 40,000 years............ is it in the right format?
Maybe we could send a revised edition in another format or are Aliens watching clips on YouTube now?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

This mash up was voted one of the best - described as an explorable galaxy of Flickr tags in a space-like setting. So I went there and put 'sound' in the space.

You need to be very patient but you are rewarded with an amazing galaxy you can play with and eventually get thousands of photographs.

The name of the creator was not given

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tui Singing - Great photo from Flickr

great photograph of Tui singing from Flickr - taken by Adam Colley on his site Higher Contrast - he has some lovely photographs of his son Jack - has rediscovered film and old cameras.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Posting a 1935 NZ Postage Stamp with a tui who may have sung the notes below

Thursday, July 24, 2008

a New Zealand sound I enjoy

Bird-Song : and New Zealand Song Birds by Johannes C. Andersen. Published by Whitcombe and Tombs Limited in 1926

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

oldest recorded sound or ancient audio

A woman singing "Au Clair de la Lune" for 10 seconds , recorded in 1860 is the oldest recorded sound.
Listen @

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Start