Thank you Web 2.0 team for the excellent coordination of this long but fun-filled journey.
An increasingly expansive sea of visual and written flotsam and jetsam has been revealed. This sea does contain treasures but they are rare. Well constructed blog sites with good content and excellent presentation can be very interesting.
Many sites appear cumbersome and capricious especially as the most recent post always dominates and the rest retire to older uninteresting? posts. RSS feeds exciting at first became a burden in their excess. Loved fiddling around with images, saw good educational uses of wikis, pondered over copyright and disinformation. had a great time and saw many uses for libraries especially in the local history area.
Good design, purposeful and insightful content, maintenance of quality, all take time and effort. The quirkiness and whimsical nature of most sites have a 'here today- gone tomorrow' feel. Who owns the software? Will it always be free for all?
1 comment:
What an interesting blog you have put together - well presented with thoughtful comments and lots of visual content to delight and ammuse.
Congratulations on your achievements on your "long but fun-filled journey".
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